
Approved Supplier List for Independent Review Officers and Child Protection Conference Chairs
London Borough of Barnet has in place and Approved Supplier List for IRO’s and Child Protection Conference Chairs. LB Barnet periodically opens this list as the need arises to review our availability of suppliers.

The appointment by the Local Authority of an Independent Reviewing Officer for every looked after child is a statutory responsibility. The duties of the IRO are outlined in government regulations and guidance and include reviewing the performance of the Local Authority in relation to individual children’s cases as well as chairing regular review meetings which examine and review the child’s care plan.

Statutory guidance also sets out the arrangements for the convening of child protection conferences by the Local Authority where a child is at risk of significant harm and these meetings are chaired by a person independent of the management of the child’s case with specific experience in this area of work. The meeting will consider the threshold for a child protection plan and where required draw one up.

Barnet requires the availability of a mixed provision of Independent Reviewing Officers and child protection conference chairs with the ability to use external providers on an as and when basis where required. This will allow the delivery of an effective service whilst also providing the best value for money for the following reasons:

• To ensure statutory timescales for chairing child in care reviews and child protection conferences are adhered to
• To cover urgent meetings in order to meet performance indicator deadlines
• To manage capacity for in house staff
• To cover sickness and annual leave of in-house staff
• To match chair to a specific child on the basis of equalities requirements
• To provide a service when there are specific demands e.g. big sibling groups
• To cover meetings which are out of borough and geographically closer to them which is cost effective
• To be able to purchase a service that is flexible, and can be used on a ‘call off’ basis

The provision of robust chairing ensures the scrutiny and monitoring of the delivery of services to looked after children, in particular care planning arrangements, as well as those subject to a child protection conference where issues of risk are present. The chair ensures that any obstacles to achieving good outcomes for these vulnerable groups of children are identified and addressed on an individual basis. The chair is also key to identifying themes and patterns in relation to issues arising in review meetings and conference meetings. The role of Independent Reviewing Officer and child protection conference chair forms part of the wider quality assurance function of the Safeguarding Division.

For more information and to express an interest please log in or register.

Please note the clarification question stage will end on 12th June 2015 at 12:00 noon.

Kind Regards
Value of Contract
Estimated Annual Value
Publication Date
Listing Deadline
iSource/V 7.0.R88