Accommodation and/or Support Services
The London Borough of Barnet's (LBB) current Accommodation and Support Services (A&S) contract commenced on 1st April 2022, will end on 31st March 2027. This framework has a list of approved providers for a range of Lots, with the specific focus to each lot (Lots: 2-Neighbourhood Networks, 3-Supported Living; Low / Medium/ High Needs, 4-Supported living – Young Adults transition, 5-Specialist step down support for people with Mental Health, 6-Supported living for people with complex disabilities and health needs, and 7-A ‘Crash Pad’ for people with learning disabilities and people with mental health needs).
However, the ongoing service review evidenced that there is the need for a list of providers to join the APL for the provision of non-regulated activity to servcie users (SUs) aged 18 and above with health and social care needs. Therefore, the LBB wishes to open a new lot to sit within the current framework. The services required will be commissioned as part of a single procurement as lot 3a.
The aim is to award a list of providers under lot 3a that can demonstrate they are able to improve outcomes for SUs through an innovative and flexible approach, striving continuously to improve service delivery who are able to work with local services in an integrated way.
Value of Contract
Estimated Annual Value
Publication Date
Listing Deadline