Request for Information - Telecare Service
Barnet Council is issuing a Request for Information for Telecare Services.
The Barnet Telecare Service currently provide the Council with a high quality, mainstreamed, innovative service that uses technology, monitoring and support to empower and enable people to live as independently as possible within their settings.
The Council is seeking information from the marketplace in order to help inform its thinking and options for the provision of telecare services to residents. We intend to use any information provided to help develop suitable specifications and service delivery options should the services be recommissioned. The Council therefore wishes to learn from organisations who are active in the telecare market and to test its current thinking against market expectations.
Interested parties should review the RFI, answer as many of the questions as possible, and return it via email as per the instructions in the RFI document. Responses to the questionnaire will be critical to enabling the Council to make informed decisions about how to proceed with a new informed telecare service.
This notice is not a call for competition and does not commit Barnet Council to carrying out any procurement exercises in relation to this project.
Thank you for your participation.
Value of Contract
Estimated Annual Value
Publication Date
Listing Deadline