
Market Engagement Event: Improving Public Mental Health with Psychiatry Trainees
Procurement Information Meeting: Public health Into Psychiatry Education and Training

The Academy of Public health for London is a Health Education England funded initiative with a remit to lead on workforce development and innovation with the wider health workforce in public health. The Academy has a portfolio of work which includes a business objective to integrate public health into speciality medical education and training.

The Academy seeks to explore a workforce intervention, with a partner provider organisation/individual(s) who has sufficient expertise in this area, to integrate public mental health into psychiatry education and training. This would be for a 16-month period from January 2022. This is an opportunity to lead a learning project to integrate better understanding of public mental health across the public health and health system.

The project will involve leading and supporting a group of psychiatry trainees to develop their own public mental health projects through workshops and one to one contact that support peer reflection, empowering others to find solutions, giving specific advice and some input on public mental health principles.

Bidders should have:
• Public health consultant level experience and consultant level psychiatry experience (a bid from multiple individuals in collaboration will be supported)
• Evidence of delivering public health education (as an educational supervisor)
• Significant knowledge and understanding of public mental health
• Evidence examples of projects which promote co-production, collaboration and innovation

There is a budget of £30,000 for this work
The academy is hosted by the London Borough of Barnet, and we will be inviting bids from potential partners to lead this work with us, utilising their procurement process.
We are holding an informational event for potential bidders where you can:
• Find out more about what the project will entail
• Find out more about the type of experience you would need in order to bid
• Find out about the procurement process
• Ask questions


The Market Engagement event will be hosted remotely via MS Teams between 10:00am-11:00am on Tuesday 21st September 2021. If you wish to take part in this event, please:
1) register your interest via the Council's eProcurement Portal at
2) Once logged in, please send a message via the Portal's messaging function with details of who, from your organisation, will be attending the virtual event including their full name, role/position, and email address.
3) Upon receipt of the above details, the Council will issue a calendar invite for the scheduled event accordingly.

Kind regards,
Barnet eProcurement
Value of Contract
Estimated Annual Value
Publication Date
Listing Deadline
iSource/V 7.0.R88