
The Provision of Accommodation and Support Services for Adults and Health
The current Accommodation and Support Services Approved Provider Lists will end on 31st March 2022. Therefore, the London Borough of Barnet (LBB) wishes to re-procure these Accommodation and Support services for people aged 18 and above with health and social care needs. The services are being reprocured as part of a single tender with 7 separate lots as follows:

• Lot 1: Assertive Outreach Hoarding Service
• Lot 2: Neighbourhood Networks
• Lot 3: Supported Living (low / medium / high needs)
• Lot 4: Supported Living for Young Adults in Transition
• Lot 5: Specialist Mental Health Step-Down Support
• Lot 6: Supported Living for People with Complex Disabilities and Health Needs
• Lot 7: Crash Pad for People with Learning Disabilities and / or autism and / or mental health needs

Barnet Council’s vision is to provide a wider range of Accommodation and Support services and to increase the range of services commissioned by the borough that will provide good outcomes for Service Users - supporting them to progress towards independent living through integrated support plans and clear move-on pathways.

Providers of Accommodation and Support Services are invited to register their interest and access the tender documents for information on each of the services being recommissioned.
Value of Contract
Estimated Annual Value
Publication Date
Listing Deadline
iSource/V 7.0.R93