MARKET ENGAGEMENT EVENT: Reprocurement of Violence against women and girls (VAGW) Services
The London Borough of Barnet is hosting a remote Market Engagement event for the forthcoming reprocurement of The Violence Against Women's and Girls Services. This will take place on the morning of Monday 14th June 2021.
The Services will provide support and intervention for those experiencing or perpetrating domestic abuse. The focus is on preventing Violence Against Women and Girls, improving outcomes for victims of Domestic Abuse and their children, holding perpetrators of Domestic Abuse to account and enhancing joint working practices between agencies to further reduce Domestic Abuse and reduce risk and harm to victims.
The aim of the session is to discuss the proposed service model with the market, and to seek providers’ input on:
• What can we do differently to improve
• The proposed structure of the delivery model (lots)
• Working with different groups of clients, promoting equality and diversity to ensure services reflect Barnet’s population and communities
The Market Engagement event will be hosted remotely on Monday 14th June 2021. If you wish to take part in this event, please:
1) Register your interest via the Council's eProcurement Portal at https://barnetsourcing.co.uk/current_opportunities.cfm and clicking the [Login or Register to View Further Information] button.
2) Once logged in, please send a message via the Portal's messaging function with details of who, from your organisation, will be attending the virtual event including their full name, role/position and email address.
3) Upon receipt of the above details, the Council will issue a calendar invite for the scheduled event accordingly.
Kind regards,
Barnet eProcurement
Value of Contract
Estimated Annual Value
Publication Date
Listing Deadline