MARKET ENGAGEMENT EVENT: Young People's Sexual Health Education And Relationship Service
The London Borough of Barnet is hosting a remote Market Engagement event via MS Teams in relation to the forthcoming reprocurement of the Borough's Young People's Sexual Health Education And Relationship Service provision.
The existing provision was commissioned in 2019 and was the first of its kind within the Borough. The service supports the implementation of Barnet's Sexual Health Strategy 2015 and also supports delivery against the sexual health outcomes listed in the Public Health Outcomes Framework. The service seeks to embed sexual health education and positive relationship support within the Borough aimed at improving sexual health and wellbeing of young people under 25 years. The service will involve targeted sexual health, contraception, relationship education outreach across Barnet to support vulnerable young people. This includes operating a C card scheme, supporting schools in RSE delivery, workforce development, and health promotion campaigns.
The Market Engagement event will hosted remotely via MS Teams at 3:30pm on Thursday 13th May 2021. If you wish to take part in this event, please:
1) register your interest via the Council's eProcurement Portal at https://barnetsourcing.co.uk/current_opportunities.cfm and clicking the [Login or Register to View Further Information] button.
2) Once logged in, please send a message via the Portal's messaging function with details of who, from your organisation, will be attending the virtual event including their full name, role/position and email address.
3) Upon receipt of the above details, the Council will issue a calendar invite for the scheduled event accordingly.
Kind regards,
Barnet eProcurement
Value of Contract
Estimated Annual Value
Publication Date
Listing Deadline