
Market Engagement Event Perinatal & Family Mental Health Coaches
Market Engagement Event
Perinatal & Family Mental Health Coaches

The London Borough of Barnet are holding a market engagement event in the afternoon of Tuesday 24th March 2020. This is to support the commissioning and procuring of Perinatal Mental health & Family Health Coaches.

The focus of the Family Health Coaches service is to address the assessed needs of families affected by mental health problems, domestic violence and substance misuse. The focus of the Peri-natal Health Coaches Service is to provide a low intensity emotional wellbeing support for women with or at risk of developing mild to moderate (also referred as ‘common’) perinatal mental health problems. Both services are expected to:
• identify families with needs and directly raise the Early Help assessment
• contribute to the Team Around the Family/Child
• take the Lead Practitioner role where appropriate
• be part of an exit strategy in the form of a step down service to the Social Services

The focus of the event is to provide the market with an overview of the services the Authority is seeking to procure. It will also provide an opportunity to discuss the proposed service model with the market, and to seek providers’ input on:
• What can we do differently to improve
• The proposed structure of the delivery model (lots)
• Timeline for tender

Please join us at the market engagement event if you are interested in the service.
To register your attendance, please register on and send a message with the name, company name, email address and contact number your attendees and any details of any additional needs. Details of the exact time and venue of the event will be provided to those in response.

We look forward to seeing you on the day.

Kind regards,
Barnet eProcurement
Value of Contract
Estimated Annual Value
Publication Date
Listing Deadline
iSource/V 7.0.R88