Market Engagement Event for Healthwatch Barnet
The London Borough of Barnet are holding a market engagement event on the morning of Thursday 31st October 2019. This is to support the commissioning and procuring of the Council's Healthwatch Scheme with effect from April 2020.
This is a mandatory service that supports the Government's principle that health and social care reform must be centred around patients and the public and they should be at the heart of everything that health and care services do. Healthwatch has been created as a response to this, as a consumer champion, both at local and national level.
The aim of Healthwatch is:
• Healthwatch is the eyes and ears in the community and gives constructive feedback and criticism to help provide better services
• Healthwatch acts on complaints and concerns over quality and unsatisfactory patient/ user experience
• Healthwatch works with all the groups and networks representing and supporting users of services to champion user voice and coordinate co-production
• Healthwatch signposts individuals to the sources of advice and information that help them make informed choices about their health and social care
LBB are looking to appoint a single provider to deliver this service. The existing contract is due to expire on 31st March 2020.
Please join us at the market engagement event if you are interested in the service.
To register your attendance, please register or sign in, and send an email through the system with the names of attendees. The time and venue of the event will be provided to you in response.
We look forward to seeing you on the day.
Value of Contract
Estimated Annual Value
Publication Date
Listing Deadline