
Housing Related Support Services - Generic
The London Borough of Barnet intends to commission a single organisation or consortium to deliver housing related floating support and specialist mental health floating support.
The London Borough of Barnet are holding a Market Engagement Event on the afternoon of Monday 25th February 2019. We welcome Housing Related Support Providers to come along to the event to hear about the upcoming service plans and procurement.

If you are interested in working with us and attending the Market Engagement Event, please register on the eSourcing Platform, Curtis Fitch and send us a message to book your place and find out about the time and venue. Thank you

Housing related Floating Support aims to enable people to sustain their tenancy or home and reduces the need for more intensive support at a later stage. The service also aims to help people maintain their independence and encourages people to settle back into the community and promotes self-reliance. The support will be solution focussed aimed at resolving issues and preventing crisis. Included within this generic service will be a specialist mental health floating support component which is flexible and works within the mental health recovery model. Support will be delivered in an individual’s home (private renters and home owners) or within an agreed setting. The aim is to ensure that any housing related problems are dealt with as early as possible, supporting people to live independently and meet their responsibilities as a tenant or home owner, minimising re-admission into hospitals, residential care and other institutional settings and helping individuals stepping down from within services into community based settings. The service should promote people’s wellbeing, self-management and support a reduction in social isolation.

The generic housing related support service is for people age 16+ who have housing related support needs and for carers of adults with health and social care needs. The specialist mental health floating support component of the service is intended for adults 18+.

The floating support service will work across all housing tenures and deliver a preventative service to people living in any type of housing tenure in the community and to people who have been assessed by the Provider (s) as requiring housing- related support. They may be living within the London Borough of Barnet or in temporary accommodation outside the borough that has been arranged by the Council or Barnet Homes.
Value of Contract
Estimated Annual Value
Publication Date
Listing Deadline
iSource/V 7.0.R88