
Provision of Film Liaison Services
London Borough of Barnet wishes to appoint a sole contractor to promote, market and manage film liaison services in the boundaries of London Borough of Barnet. This will be a service concession contract for a period of three years with the option to extend for a further two years, bringing the total potential duration of the contract to five years. The start date for the contract will be 1 April 2018.

These services are intended to ensure that filming and related activities in Barnet are regulated and controlled to minimise risk, disturbance and disruption to residents, local businesses and visitors. The Contractor will be required to promote Barnet as a filming location, maximise revenue from filming to the Council and work to achieve appropriate targets for growth. The services will be expected to extend to all established and potential filming locations in Barnet (whether directly or indirectly managed by the Contractor on behalf of the Council or under private ownership and management).

Please express an interest by visiting / current opportunities.

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Value of Contract
Estimated Annual Value
Publication Date
Listing Deadline
iSource/V 7.0.R88