
Healthwatch Barnet Services
The London Borough of Barnet (LBB) wishes to commission a local Healthwatch service.

The contract will be issued for one year, with an option to extend for a further year. This Service Specification sets out Barnet Council’s expectations for its local Healthwatch and how it will support the Barnet Health and Wellbeing Board to deliver the ‘Keeping Well, Keeping Independent – Barnet’s Health and Wellbeing Strategy’.

As a member of the Board, Healthwatch Barnet has a significant role to play in being the voice of the user, the patient and the community. We want Healthwatch to:
• Be our eyes and ears in the community and provide constructive feedback and criticism to help people provide better services
• Act on complaints and concerns over quality and unsatisfactory patient experience
• Work with all the groups and networks representing and supporting users of services and the community (including sub-contracting to them).

If you would like further information please register or login to continue.

Tender go live: 12:00 noon 13th December 2017
Tender close: 12:00 noon 17th January 2018
Value of Contract
Estimated Annual Value
Publication Date
Listing Deadline
iSource/V 7.0.R88