
Electoral Print and Postage Service PQQ (Ref 5000005988)
The London Boroughs of Barnet ,Harrow and Hounslow, are seeking to put in place a multi-supplier framework
agreement for a maximum period of 5 years, for the provision of Electoral Services Printing and Postage
requirements which will give the authorities and their Electoral Registration Officers / Returning Officers :
• A clear and robust arrangement for requesting, obtaining and awarding print and postage contracts for
appropriate electoral services activities.
•A solution which efficiently supports and facilitates the management, delivery and compliance of future
elections and other electoral activities within the boroughs
•‘Best in Class’ levels of value-for-money, quality assurance and supplier service for its electoral print and
postage requirements.
Each of the participating authorities may call-off and award separate contracts under the framework agreement, and transactions and mini competitions as appropriate will be conducted between the appointed suppliers and the individual authority(ies) concerned. Any formal contracts from this process will be entered into separately with the individual authority, with no relationship of joint or several liability between them.

Please Note: At this present time Hounslow has not committed to using the Framework and as such there is no guarantees that they will access the Framework Agreement.

Note also that there is no guarantee of any particular level of spend under the Framework
Value of Contract
Estimated Annual Value
Publication Date
Listing Deadline
iSource/V 7.0.R88