
Carers & Young Carers - Consortia Guidance Meeting
LBB will be holding a meeting on Monday 11th April at 11:00am for providers that are interested in joining together to form a consortia with other organisations to bid for the Carers & Young Carers Support Services Procurement. This meeting will provide some structure and guidance on how to form a consortia. The meeting will not discuss the details of the commissioning or procurement for Carers & Young Carers Support Services. All providers are welcome and any ideas and questions will be shared in an open forum. Any information discussed within the meeting will be published as part of the tender pack on 15th April.

If you are interested in attending please reply to this email.

Kind Regards,
Stacey Sangha
Value of Contract
Estimated Annual Value
Publication Date
Listing Deadline
iSource/V 7.0.R88